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Food Safety System
in 15 min

Cooking Temperature Chart

  • Your food products need to be cooked to the correct and safe internal temperature to render them free from harmful bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms.

  • The required internal temperature depends on the food material you are using as well as its type and form.

  • A cooking temperature chart is a written document of the established and recommended internal cooking temperatures for specific food materials.

Reaching the correctly prescribed internal temperature in cooking is the main principle of applying heat to different types of food and is an important step for food handlers. This basic food safety practice renders dangerous bacteria inactive and unable to cause foodborne illnesses. Some of the most prominent pathogens including S.aureus, E. coli, Salmonella, Coxiella burnetti, and Campylobacter are easily inactivated using proper thermal processing. With all the different prescribed time and temperature combinations in cooking different materials to address a target pathogen, your team may have occasional lapses in processing. To make the process more organized and free from a blunder, using a cooking temperature chart would be best.

Different types of foods such as vegetables, raw meat, poultry, seafood, fruit, as well as liquid materials including milk, juice, and sauce require different heating times and temperatures. This principle is because of the complex nature of food materials. In some cases, different meats can be enjoyed based on personal preference. A few degrees below target temperature can entirely change the outcome of the cooking process. Our cooking temperature chart template can help you compose your very own cooking internal temperature chart consisting of all the ingredients you use in your operations. Ensure that your team does not forget at which core temperature does your chicken has to be cooked or your beef and seafood to create safe and exciting products. 

In this article, we'll briefly go through what is the significance of cooking temperature and why it's necessary to measure it when following your HACCP plan. Feel free to use our free cooking temperature chart template above.


What is a food's internal temperature?

Put simply, internal or core temperature is the temperature at the innermost portion of a food product. It's an important parameter to determine your food is cooked all the way through or not. Targeting the core of your food ensures that all parts of your raw food are cooked and subjected to the correct and safe temperature to inactivate harmful bacteria and other pathogens that can cause any foodborne illness. Most bacteria thrive in the outer portion of your food. Because of the complex composition of foods, the time it takes for heat to travel the center of your material greatly varies. This thermal center is the basis for the establishment of cooking recommendations for the perfect temperature.

As an example, a pork material would normally need a higher temperature or longer heating time than that of a fish. This fact is because pork contains fat that slows down the speed of heat traveling. Additionally, pork has a more compact structure of proteins than fish. The same rationale is used when comparing the cooking temperature for vegetables and poultry. This point is where using a cooking temperature chart comes in handy. As a food business, you will surely use different kinds of ingredients. The cooking temperature may also vary in terms of the food material's form. Ground beef usually requires a higher meat temperature during cooking than lean meat since the potentially contaminated meat surface has been processed and distributed throughout the materials.

A food's internal temp is measured using a cooking thermometer or a digital food thermometer. It's impossible to evaluate just by visually observing the food to know whether the food is cooked enough, so that's why you need to measure it. These types of thermometers can also be used as freezer thermometer.

Before we can start enjoying cooked foods, the food has to pass a long way in different supply chain stages either for professional kitchens or home use.

It means that one piece of meat usually spends a significant amount of cooking time in different stores and transportation vehicles where the storage temperature needs to be covered and ensured. Cold storage similarly affects the cooking temp of your material. If poultry meat comes straight out of the cold storage, preoperational methods such as thawing are done. This step ensures that the meat is evenly cooked without overdoing the outer layer even before the center gets cooked.

Failure to achieve the standard cooking temperature may put your consumers at risk of getting unsafe food. Several cases of gastrointestinal illness are reported every year due to consuming undercooked foods. Such events may significantly affect your business. 


Food temperature chart as part of the documentation

Cooking temperature charts are an invaluable part of a proper Food Safety Management System. Hitting the correct internal temperature is one of the key critical control points in food processing. Whether you are using a grill, oven, or a frying pan to cook your food, reaching the correct internal temperature is an absolute food safety necessity. In implementing your HACCP plan, your updated temperature logs on your cooking temperature chart are an important part of your commitment to food safety. Food safety audits would normally involve verification activities directed towards your internal temperature cooking charts.

Not sure how to make your food temp chart and other monitoring forms of your HACCP plan? Go and check some of the most common food safety management documents from our HACCP plan template hub.

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Composing your HACCP plan doesn't need to be hard work

When composing your HACCP plan with the help of governmental instructions, it can turn into a real struggle. Governmental sites are usually long, complicated, and prepared by public officials who haven't worked a day in a food business. So these end up as lengthy, endless documents that are unclear for ordinary people.

As a result, food business owners spend weeks, and even months creating their HACCP plan. It's not an issue when you have plenty of time and your business is in your own home where you don't have any extra costs. Although it's a different story for a food company that is a proper business, like a production company, a bakery, a cafe, or a restaurant. You need to pay the rent from the first day you move in, and that's when the time becomes critical. Spending 4-5 weeks creating your compliance documents will cost you a lot.

At this point, food owners start to turn to HACCP consultants or HACCP builder software. The advantage of HACCP builder software is that business owners can create their HACCP plan in 1 hour and on their own, even during lunch.


Why do I need a HACCP plan template?

A HACCP plan aims to help you control any potential biological, physical, and chemical hazards that can contaminate your food products and create unsafe food for your consumers. This document is a description of all food safety concerns and practices in your establishment. Every food facility, especially foodservice operations and production companies, requires its own HACCP plan. These plans can be very specific for each finished product or food production process that they need separate HACCP plans. So, you may end up making several HACCP plans.

The presence of the HACCP plan and its compliance with the law is audited by the health department at least once a year in the food chain. Here, it's important to keep in mind that the HACCP plan is not meant for your regulatory agency but for your own sake and for your customers. It is there to keep your food on a safe level. All actions that are included in your HACCP plan, i.e. food hazard identification, preventive measures, control measures, and record-keeping and documentation procedures are for the safety of the finished product.

A HACCP template for small businesses or manufacturing plants guides you and your team with the significant information that you need to provide in your HACCP food safety plan. It can become an effective training for building a comprehensive food safety management system. With a template, there is no need to blindly put information that will not add to the value of your plan. We provide you with that HACCP plan template that is fit for your food business.

It's not a pleasant thought, but imagine if something happens with any of your customers. The financial loss can be something that you as a business owner won't survive. It's always better to set up a strong HACCP system at the beginning of your business, with applicable regulations that are easy to follow. If your company employees understand why they have to comply with certain rules, they will be more willing to do so. As a result, the food is always safe to eat for your customers.


Who needs to take care of the HACCP food safety?

A HACCP team is an essential part of a food business that is responsible for composing and updating your food safety management system and takes control of food safety. The members of a HACCP team should have a strong sense of ownership and commitment to food safety because it is one of the most important things in the food industry businesses.

Your team should be well aware of all food handling practices related to your food processing plants. These practices must also include any potential food safety hazard and environmental contamination to preventing the loss of control and relevant continuous monitoring procedures. All members must also have good and accurate record-keeping skills to serve as tracking documents in case of deviations from processing method regulatory standards for future comprehensive verification reports.

Also, note that the food industry has one of the highest levels of employee mobility in terms of food operation. This means that the HACCP team has to consider the fact that food employees, who are responsible for food safety on a daily basis, have to be constantly trained. This task can be a real challenge if your team consists of tens or even hundreds of people. In this case, assign a person, who is responsible for training them and trying to find a solution or a tool how to help them.

Your HACCP team members can change at any time. It is important that you keep your company's HACCP plan up-to-date, make a copy of it, and even better if you have a digital food safety management together with a HACCP plan in place. Keeping a digital food safety plan optimizes the organization of your HACCP safety plan as well as your daily activity documentation. You never have to worry about any missing or misplaced documents when food safety auditors arrive.

haccp plan example

Why is there no complete HACCP plan example for all food businesses?

A HACCP plan is a detailed description of your company and its processes. It helps business operators of food facilities identify the critical points for food safety. It also contains appropriate steps to ensure that these points are adequately controlled.

As food businesses are different, it's really hard to find completely similar food entities and create a food safety plan template for all. Food businesses and retail food stores are unique in terms of the production process, the category of food for consumption that they order and use, the food they produce, the production volumes they have, the customers they serve, and much more. It's also impossible to create a HACCP plan template based on business activity because the nature of operations can be very different such as for producing companies, shops, and cafes. Some food companies have their own specialized processes and will require custom plans.

All of these mentioned conditions and specialized processes affect the content of your HACCP plan and criteria for food safety. Potential hazards and their analysis that you need to consider as an unacceptable health risks will vary depending on these factors.

To ensure the safety of your food products and prevent loss of control, use one of our HACCP plan templates to establish correct control measures, procedures for monitoring, and documentation procedures, plans, and schedules.

Some examples of how the nature of your business affects your HACCP plan are as follows:

  • If you're serving your safe product in a buffet, you need to ensure that hot food is not sitting out for more than 2 hours. Monitoring the time and food temperature as part of shelf life during this period is an important part of critical control point (CCP) monitoring. When you're serving your dishes a la carte, this risk doesn't apply to you because your food products will not be held for 2 hours.

  • If you're cooking food, you need to measure the internal temperature of the food item during the cooking process and register the results on temperature monitoring charts. Cooking to minimum temperature, adequate time, and using the correct conditions for cooking will ensure that any harmful bacteria and other enteric pathogens are killed. When the temperature is not high enough during thermal processing, the additional cooking step time must be added to provide wholesome food. As soon as you're dealing with products only at room temperature and you're not cooking them, this requirement doesn't apply to you because the risk is not present.

  • When your business is ordering frozen and chilled food products, you need to check the products upon delivery whether they're at the right temperature. Signs of improper transportation conditions tell you not to receive products that are not kept on an acceptable temperature level. Keeping a cold chain is critical and a well-known applicable food safety requirement to prevent any potential hazard of foodborne illness and to provide safe food products. If your food manufacturing business is ordering food at room temperature, this requirement doesn't apply to you, and you have one daily monitoring less to worry about. Your concern shifts towards maintaining the quality of your finished product in clean conditions.

Here are some real-life examples from food business owners:

  • In some baked goods businesses, the whole bread-making process is applied, starting from the dough preparation up to serving or delivery. On the other hand, other bakeries just resell pastries they have bought in the morning.

  • Such differences can also be seen in cafes and canteens. In some canteens, everything is done on-site, whereas other canteens only serve ready-made meals they have bought. If we compare the food safety risks in these two units, you'd understand that they're very different.

HACCP plan template is easy to modify 

A HACCP manual is regularly updated on a continuous basis. As the food industry progresses every day, your HACCP plan needs to do so as well. Right after finishing your first HACCP plan, you will be scheduled for a food safety inspection from your health department sooner or later. We know that food inspections can be very nerve-wracking, but don't worry, the purpose of an inspection is to protect you and your customers to produce only safe food for your customers.

One thing is for sure, your HACCP food safety system plan won't be perfectly suitable for your inspector right off the bat. Statistics show that only 5% of the first inspections pass the first time. So, it's totally fine when your inspector says that you need to change anything in your initial plan. The best part of using a digital HACCP plan is that you can change your HACCP plan right away as soon as you have your inspector's feedback.

Or even better, your inspectors can add their comments straight to your HACCP plan. Our digital solution allows collaborative efforts between food safety inspectors and food business owners or plant managers for a more seamless process.

Our digital HACCP software also has several benefits in lieu of a paper-based process. Having a paper-based HACCP plan makes any kind of improvement very cumbersome and time-consuming. Why? Because for ordinary people, it's hard to understand which part of the HACCP plan will be affected by this improvement. Searching for these changes will require you to skim through all the pages when compared with an automatic search using a digital HACCP plan.

In addition to a HACCP audit, there are other instances that will require you to update your HACCP plan. It means that whenever you decide to change any of your production processes, menu, devices, or rooms, you need to change your HACCP plan too. Any change might affect the food safety risk level of your process.

For example, when adding food transportation to the new production process, additional food safety hazards will occur. Bacteria and viruses may start to multiply when transported at the wrong temperatures and for too long.

Another example is when adding frozen meat as a new raw material, cross - contamination between raw and ready-to-eat food may occur. This occurrence may cause the spread and multiplication of pathogens and must be controlled to prevent causing any severe illness. Similarly, temperature rise during the defrosting process may affect the quality of the product.

For each of these new food safety risks, you need to create a hazard analysis to decide whether it's one of the critical control points or not. In addition, you need to identify how to prevent these hazards and how to eliminate them with monitoring procedures when they occur.

HACCP plan Storage

Don't forget to calibrate your thermometers!

Before using a probe, food handlers should be sure that the probe is calibrated to work accurately because the thermometer must always be accurate to +/-1°F. Even the most excellent thermometer must be periodically calibrated to ensure the accuracy of the actual temperature. The calibration schedule and period are determined in your calibration plan. Depending on the brand and quality of your thermometer, calibration may be scheduled every quarter of the year or at least once a week. Traditional, metal probes usually need frequent calibration to check their accuracy. 

Cooking thermometers require periodic calibration to verify their performance of detecting proper temperature. It means you need to check periodically that your thermometer is working correctly and is reading the actual temperature. For traditional probes, the thermometers are dipped in solutions with a predetermined temperature and your instrument's readings are compared with that of the standard. Other methods dip the thermometer in boiling water to read its boiling point temperature. In combination with this, the same probe is dipped into cold water to verify the reading. More advanced thermometers often a digital meat thermometers, require special services from their manufacturer's representatives. 


Most common calibration methods:

Calibration is an important step for food handlers to ensure that your cooking temperature logs are accurate and that you are operating at a high standard of safe cooking temperature. Common calibration methods may include:

1. Hot calibration method – place the probe of your digital food thermometer into boiling water and check if the temperature is between the boiling point temperature of 210°F and 214°F.

2. Cold calibration method – place the probe into an ice and cold water mixture. Check if the temperature is between 30.2°F and 34°F while submerged in the cold water.

If the temperature is not within the standard temperature range, adjust your thermometer to the correct temperature while still in the water. Similarly, you can countercheck your results by dipping a recently calibrated spare thermometer and comparing the results. If you don't have an adjustable thermometer, ask a professional service provider to do it for you.

FoodDocs HACCP plan product features

What are minimum standard cooking temperatures?

The cooking temperature standards and internal core temperature description may have little difference between countries and states and depend on the food (check the cooking recommendations in the food internal temperature chart template above). The standard advice is to thoroughly cook food and hold it at the recommended internal constant temperature for 2 minutes to create a firm center. The recommended internal temperature will vary depending on the type of food you are cooking.

Food should always be cooked thoroughly to kill the target pathogen or stop bacterial growth and prevent the production of hazardous food. The principles behind the targeted internal temperature and required cooking times for processing are that these combinations represent the required parameters at which the target foodborne bacteria are most susceptible. Multiplication of pathogens is usually fastest in the ‘Temperature Danger Zone,' which is between 40°F and 140°F. This range is considered critical food safety temperatures. Food products are more likely to spoil and cause food poisoning if kept in this temperature range for an extended period. That's why refrigerators operate at 42°F and lower. Below this range, the growth is stopped or slowed down, whereas, above 158°F, most pathogens start to die. 


Cooking temperature for meat

As mentioned, the standard internal temperature required for different types of foods varies depending on the type of raw foods you have. Proper cooking temperature categories for meats such as pork is at least 145°F to 160°F of internal temperature before removing from the heat source with a three-minute rest time before carving. Other fresh meats such as beef, veal, and lamb require the same conditions as pork, that is 145°F to 160°F with a three-minute rest time. Such category temperature for meat gives a medium to a well-done degree of doneness. Medium beef doneness is seen as your favorite doneness with a slightly cool center with a hint of pink color. This degree of cooking is famous for premium steaks such as an Angus beef cut. On the other hand, delicious recipes for a well-done steak are described with a seared exterior indicating a firm and fully brown, warm center. A very pink center is indicative of undercooking together with having a cooler center. The other doneness internal core temperature internal description can be found from a steak temperature chart. Use a steak temperature chart to ace your steak game.

Emphasis is given to the indicated "rest time" for cooked dark meat, which is the period when the meat is set aside from the heat source to a rack to cool which is usually three minutes before carving. This step allows the residual heat to continue the cooking process in less harsh conditions otherwise known as carryover cooking. This standard cooking temp holds for smoked, cured, and cooked meat products such as ham. On the contrary, when you are using cooked ham and you intend to reheat it, the internal cooking temperatures must at least reach 165°F.  Some charts for different temperatures for meat would also include the directions that are for a specific part. Using beef brisket temperature to cook steak may not be applicable for making beef tenderloin roast. The same principle applies to different cuts of pork such as pork chops and pork butt. 

It's quite a different case when it comes to ground pork and other meats such as hamburger patties or beef sausages. This type of raw meat is known to have a higher count of microorganisms because it has already undergone processing. The bacteria from the exterior portion of fresh meat is introduced to the other parts when they are ground. As such, the recommended processing for ground meat, which includes products such as hamburger patties, cooking temp is at 160°F with no resting as commonly used for a burger recipe. Remove burgers from heat once the internal temperature is reached.


Cooking temperature for poultry

Poultry meat which includes chicken products as well as turkey and game birds has a different cooking temperature chart. This type of meat is quite more sensitive and is not advised in any way to be eaten rare or even a bit undercooked as they can cause foodborne illness. As such, your chicken temperature chart must indicate a minimum recommendation of 165°F and proper chicken cooking times for any individual recipes. This applies to all parts of a chicken or turkey including thighs, breast meat, giblets, and others. In cooking poultry such as chicken, the thermometer probe must be inserted in the thickest part which is usually the chicken breast. Similar safe cooking temperatures are advised for ground poultry including ground chicken and turkey and whole parts of poultry such as raw chicken breast and chicken thighs. A few degrees below target temperature increases the risk of causing foodborne illnesses to consumers.

Related to poultry, egg dishes and related products mixed with raw eggs require medium heat at 160°F as their ideal temperature for cooking. This includes egg-based sauces and other eggy dishes.


Cooking temperature for fish and other kinds of seafood

Because seafood, particularly fish and shellfish such as lobster, have less connective tissue such as cartilage and shorter muscle fiber than meats and poultry, they require gentler technique. The general rule for these raw materials is to reach the internal temperature of at least 145°F for only 15 seconds which should be in your seafood or fish temperature chart. Seafood would have an opaque to shiny white cooked color as an indication of its doneness. Delicious seafood dishes can also often be eaten raw for dishes such as sushi but requires a very high level of food handling practices to significantly reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Fish, such as tuna, that is used for sushi must be at least sashimi-grade tuna.


Important cooking temperature documents

Monitoring your cooking temperature log makes up a huge chunk of your HACCP plan. Complete documentation of your cooking processes is required to emphasize that your Food Safety Management System is well-established. Here are some of the cooking temperature documents needed to avoid a food safety violation.

1. Cooking temperature chart. This document contains the prescribed food-safe cooking temperatures for cooking specific ingredients in your process operations. It can act as a guide to cooking temperatures for different types of meat.

2. Cooking chapter with proper hazard analyses in your HACCP plan. This segment includes the analysis of hazards you are trying to eliminate or control as well as the rationale of applying cooking to the material. This document must also include the monitoring procedures as well as verification activities involved when checking your cooking temperature logs. Remind your employees of temperature guidelines to prevent the spread of hazards.

3.Cooking temperature logs to register the results. This document will act as your monitoring form for logging differences in temperature checks on your cooking operations. Our cooking log template was built taking into account the necessary information needed in monitoring such as logs on time as well as in cases of non-compliance to the established critical limits. What's even better is that this template is completely customizable and you can edit every section to fit your operations.

4. Consumer advisory to protect highly susceptible customers. An advisory is a written statement for your consumers notifying them of the risk of consuming raw or food cooked a few degrees below target temperature. Failure to inform customers is no excuse for food safety. Employees must be oriented about how to use this document.


Not sure where to start with your food safety checklists? Don't have enough time? Our digital food safety management system at FoodDocs can help you automate every temperature log and ensure that no food safety task is left undone. Our digital FSMS is the solution we offer for these technologically advanced times in the food industry. Become food safety compliant in just an average of 15 minutes and make sure all your cooking internal temperature charts and logs are in place by using our services. Try our free, 14-day trial and start your digital FSMS journey now.


How can you help your team monitor the cooking temperature?

Monitoring the cooking temperature of every product in your food business can be a very tedious job. You have to do it for multiple products a number of times in a day. With your other food safety tasks at hand, the risk of forgetting this task is also present. The thing is, cooking to the right internal temperature is something that you cannot allow to miss. The safety of your products relies on this operation, especially for meat-based products.

So, the big question is, what would be the best way to keep every cooking temperature monitoring task in mind? The best answer to this is our digital solution at FoodDocs! Our system can automatically generate a smart Cooking Temperature Log for your food operations. This log can be efficiently used to monitor cooking temperatures for every product in your business.

HACCP plan - Allergen management plan

Digital solution from FoodDocs

There are many different areas that need to be addressed when making a HACCP plan. From sanitation to packaging, your team would need to devise programs for each aspect of food safety. With a long list of these safety documents, it will take you several months to finish.

Luckily, our team at FoodDocs has produced a digital solution to automatically generate the most important parts of your HACCP plan and more food safety features for compliance. In addition to a complete and comprehensive HACCP plan, our digital solution also generates the following for your convenience:

  • Flow chart - composing a block-type flow diagram is considered one of the most complicated parts of the HACCP plan. Forgetting to include steps from your food service operations to your process flow diagram can cause vulnerabilities to your HACCP plan. It helps your team determine at which point are food hazards most likely to occur and if there are testing procedures to detect them. It is an invaluable tool for hazard identification. Using the right tool, it's easy to create, even if you intend to create each commodity flow diagram. HACCP plan builder automatically creates complete flow diagrams for your business.
  • Waste management - keeping waste under control is also a topic that always needs to be covered in food premises. In every operating food business, there will always be a waste. This topic covers everything related to by-products or food waste and how food safety and quality assurance are ensured in their disposal procedure. A waste management plan is essential in keeping environmental health and sustainability and aligning it with food safety requirements. Waste management monitoring procedures are tightly connected with the cleaning schedule. 
  • Reduced Oxygen Packaging checklist - This can include production processes like the cook-chill method, controlled atmosphere packaging, vacuum packaging, or the sous-vide method. This checklist also includes monitoring activity that ensures that the packaging material is not air-permeable.

In addition to the mentioned HACCP plan features, we also feature a digital Food Safety Management System that can take care of your monitoring procedures every day. The digital monitoring forms that our system generates for you are equipped with an auto-fill solution to save your employees' time from manually filling all logs. 

Here are a few samples of our automatically generated forms and free tools:

  • Temperature control monitoring sheet (temperature logs) is most often included in every food establishment for preventing any foodborne illness. This document emphasizes the importance of CCP monitoring parameters even if they are not considered controllable processing steps or critical control points.

Development of food safety plan templates for some risk-based preventive controls for human food resources is only needed in case of specific conditions or process steps, like:

  • Using a cooking temperature chart cooking log when monitoring the internal raw meat temperature is considered a critical point for cooking operation.
  • Use a consumer advisory only when you serve undercooked beef, etc. Consumer advisory is needed to protect customers who are especially vulnerable to foodborne diseases, for example, the elderly, pregnant women, toddlers, and people with compromised immune systems from severe health effects.
  • Sample cleaning checklist- this easy-to-follow guidance document is a must in every food business. What can be more important than plant food safety practices related to keeping your food business clean? It's for providing safe foods for intended consumers and also to keep your business attractive to customers. A cleaning schedule template helps you monitor all steps about sanitary conditions, what needs to be cleaned, how often, and which sanitizing tools to use.

How to store my HACCP plan documents?

A HACCP plan together with all the documentation needs to be ready for the inspection at any time to prove the safety of food products. As it includes loads of paperwork, keep an eye on all of them and try not to lose them.

Here are some suggestions on where to keep all your food safety-related documents:

  • HACCP plan. As the HACCP plan itself is usually the longest part, put it somewhere you could easily find it when you'll have an inspection or keep it digital with a HACCP plan builder. Using a digital HACCP plan builder, it's always accessible wherever you are and impossible to lose it.
  • Monitoring records, logs and checklists should be always kept as close as possible to the activity or a device it's used for. For example, keep temperature log monitoring sheets on the fridge's door, delivery check records near your delivery entrance, food allergy charts in your employees' pockets, etc. When archiving monitoring sheets, keep in mind to store them as long as it's determined according to your HACCP plan, usually 1-2 years. With digital HACCP, everything is always stored and easily found in one commonplace.
  • Different schedules, plans, and posters should be always close to the working zone it applies. Check if they're always in good condition so your team can see and use them. Keep the waste management plan, cleaning schedule, and pest management form close to your HACCP plan.
  • Inspection acts should be kept together with your HACCP plan. Be ready to show your last inspection act to your inspector.
  • Different contracts with service providers like waste management, pest management, cleaning, etc. are also important parts and should be archived so they are easily found.

With this much documentation to keep an eye on and to find easily, you'll need a lot of space and keen memory to remember and organize all of them. That's why digital HACCP is the best choice. Everything is easily filed, stored, and found when needed.

Not sure where to start with your HACCP food safety documents? Don't have enough time? Our platform at FoodDocs can direct you through the HACCP process and get your HACCP plan documents done in no time so you can focus on what you really need to – managing your business without having the loss of control and always providing safe food products. Try our free 14-days trial.

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Easy app for monitoring to have an instant overview

  • Implement your Food Safety System in 15 minutes
  • Easy app for monitoring to have an instant overview
  • Ready-to-use HACCP Plan in 1 hour