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HACCP assessment risk matrix is a helpful tool (table) that helps you to determine the type of hazard according to the level of likelihood and severity from low to high.

HACCP definition is a short form of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points. It’s an internationally recognized method of identifying and managing food safety-related risks. Controlled by the local governmental authorities.

HACCP plan is a comprehensive document that is a part of an internationally recognized system - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. It describes all the food-related activities, processes, and associated hazards your food business may have and tells you how to deal with them. The HACCP plan is proof that your business complies with the law.

HACCP training is a crucial part of your HACCP plan. It’s a way to make sure that all of your team members are well trained in food safety practices and understand how to carry out food safety tasks.

Hair restraints are usually hats, hair covering and nets, beard restraints, and clothing that covers body hair, used to keep a food handler’s hair away from food and to keep the individual from touching it.

Hand antiseptic is a liquid or gel used to remove common pathogens or microorganisms on the skin’s surface.

Handwashing station is a sink that is meant only for handwashing. Handwashing stations must be conveniently located in restrooms, food-preparation areas, service areas, and dishwashing areas.

Hazard analysis is the process in your food safety management system of deciding what might be a hazard, and what should be done if someone or something is exposed to this hazard.

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is an internationally recognized method of identifying and managing food safety-related risks.

Health inspector is a governmental staff member who conducts food service inspections among food handling companies and helps to ensure food safety.

Heat sanitizing is a cleaning method for reducing the number of microorganisms on a clean surface to sanitize equipment or tableware.

Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver. The disease is transmitted to food by poor personal hygiene or contact with contaminated water.

High-risk customers are customer groups who are the most vulnerable to foodborne illness because of their weaker immune systems. High-risk customer groups are children under five years old, sick people, pregnant women, unborn children, and the elderly.

Histamine is a biological toxin associated with temperature-abused scombroid fish, which causes many of the symptoms of allergies, such as a runny nose or sneezing.

Hot-holding equipment is equipment that is designed to hold food at an internal temperature of 135 ̊F (57 ̊C) or higher, such as dishes, steam tables, and heated cabinets.

Food safety glossary - daily helping tool

This food safety glossary will help food business operators to navigate inside the complex world of food safety. It includes all terms associated with foodborne illness, food safety hazards, managing HACCP, and food safety along with food chain. As food safety is part of public health for food service industries, it's heavily regulated by rules and laws and inspected by the Food and Drug Administration.

All of these requirements, rules, laws and technical food safety regulations mean that you have to learn loads of specific terms that might be unclear at first sight. Because of the wide field of food safety, there can be words and terms that are new to you every day. Not all food processors are experts with the food industry terminologies. No one expects you to be! That's why we at FoodDocs made this food safety glossary to help you along your food safety journey.

We understand how crucially important it is to understand most HACCP terms to provide safe food and to prevent food poisoning. We also consider acquainting your whole team with food safety terms as part of basic food safety training. Feel free to use this glossary in your everyday business to provide safe food and when communicating with any food safety and inspection service. 

How do food safety terms work?

Food safety vocabulary works according to the alphabet. You can find your needed food safety terms by the first letter of the word. Just click on the first letter of the word you are looking for to see a list of food safety terms starting with this letter. The links help you to understand the next topics.

For example, when clicking on the letter "F", you'll find all the most popular terms starting with this letter -

  • Food contamination
  • Foodborne illness
  • Food and drug administration
  • Food poisoning
  • Food fraud
  • Food recall
  • Food safety standards, and much more.

Clicking on the letter "C", you'll find food safety terms like

  • Common food
  • Cross-contamination
  • Control of food safety
  • Correct procedures
  • Control of hazards, and others.

Some of the food safety terms are underlined such as foodborne illness. This line means you can click on that word and you'll find much more information about the topic. The browser will redirect you to a more detailed explanation of the word and may even have an example of how it is used and other related information.

Related information to your chosen words such as for foodborne illness can be,

  • how to prevent food-borne illness
  • what are disease-causing microorganisms and types of illness
  • natural toxins
  • poisonous substances
  • biological contamination
  • harmful substance
  • microbial contamination
  • biological hazards
  • why is measuring internal temperature so important among monitoring procedures?

How can the food safety glossary help me?

Food safety terms glossary makes your life much easier. It means whenever you hear unfamiliar food safety terms in a phrase, you can come and check the meaning of the terms from our glossary. It's always better to check instead of keeping yourself in the darkness. Understanding and following food safety plans and food safety standards across the whole food supply chain are crucially important to provide safe food for all consumers and prevent adverse health hazards.

If the food establishment owner, food processors, or anyone on the team doesn't understand important phrases like hazard analysis, major food allergen, and hazardous foods, it becomes a great risk to food safety. When dealing with food contact surfaces, handling raw foods such as raw meat, and preventing cross - contamination through contact with food, knowing the technical terms can save your business.

It can be a bit hard for food business operators to not understand the basic rules and terminologies of personal hygiene to control the presence of physical contaminants and prevent food contamination or don't know any major food allergen. This lack of knowledge can lead to losses for food processors through a breach of federal regulations. Understanding your food safety plan together with providing basic food safety training to introduce all named food safety terms are some of the most important parts of improving the food supply chain. 

How can a digital HACCP builder help me with unclear food safety terms?

Our HACCP builder at FoodDocs is a digital program that helps to create your HACCP food safety plan in 1 hour and also enables you to store it digitally. One of the most important benefits of a digital HACCP plan is that it's easily customizable at any time.

When your HACCP plan includes complex food safety terms, you can always add additional explanations to your food safety plan for more context. This makes your plan easily readable and understandable for the whole HACCP team. Don't let vague and hard-to-understand words get in the way of making a comprehensive HACCP food safety plan. Through the help of this glossary, you can now explain "harmful substance" by adding "dangerous to human health" as a supporting line. Replace technical terms such as "perishable food" with "short-lived food" to make your documents reader-friendly. 


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  • Implement your Food Safety System in 15 minutes
  • Easy app for monitoring to have an instant overview
  • Ready-to-use HACCP Plan in 1 hour